
sansan is for:

  • Queue-based, real-time music playback
  • Live queue reading/writing without blocking
  • Audio metadata reading (ID3/Vorbis tags)
  • OS media control integration

sansan is not:

  • A general purpose audio playback library

sansan is built with music players in-mind - it is meant to be the part of the system that handles the real-time audio decoding/playback, while exposing an audio state read/write API that is non-blocking.

Other nice to haves are also included, such as OS media control integration and metadata tag reading.

Although sansan can be used for general purpose audio playback, it does not include general purpose audio APIs like mixing, filters, multiple tracks, etc.


The book at is the main user documentation. It holds all the information needed to get started with sansan - what things there are, what they do, how to use them.

The library documentation at is the API reference, documenting inputs and outputs and other note-worthy things about the API, although, it does not contain detailed commentary on usage, how things work together, etc.


For more example usage of sansan, see examples/.

This example shows some basic usage of sansan:

  • Creating the Engine
  • Adding music to the queue
  • Sending signals to the Engine (play, next)
  • Reading live audio state without blocking
use sansan::{*, signal::*};

// Our music data (Paths and/or raw bytes)
let track_1: &Path = "/path/to/audio.mp3";
let track_2: &[u8] = include_bytes!("/path/to/audio.flac");

// Create a music engine with default settings
let mut engine = Engine::init(Config::DEFAULT);

// Add the music to the back of the queue.
engine.signal().add(Add { source: track_1.into() }).unwrap();
engine.signal().add(Add { source: track_2.into() }).unwrap();

// Start playing (this does not block the caller!)

// Our music is now playing
// on the default audio device.
// We can mutate/view the queue
// and adjust settings freely without
// blocking the real-time audio thread,
// or us, the caller.

// For example, let's take a look at the current audio state.
// We can hold onto this data for all of eternity
// and it will not block [sansan] from progressing.
let reader: AudioStateReader<()> = engine.audio_state_reader()
let audio_state:  AudioState<()> = reader.get();
assert_eq!(audio_state.playing, true);
assert_eq!(audio_state.queue.len(), 2);

// We can view live playback information.

// We can mutate the queue - without blocking anyone.
// Let's remove the 2nd track in the queue.
engine.signal().remove(Remove { index: 1 }).unwrap();

// Re-acquire the "latest" audio state.
let audio_state: AudioState<()> = reader.get();

// Now the queue is only 1 length.
assert_eq!(audio_state.queue.len(), 1);

// Skip to the next song.

// Since there was only 1 track left,
// and no repeat mode was on, the [Engine]
// has stopped playing.
let audio_state: AudioState<()> = reader.get();
assert_eq!(audio_state.playing, false);
assert_eq!(audio_state.queue.len(), 0);


sansan's abstract design is documented in

This purpose of is to act as a reference to allow for easier changes in the future.

Although, it mostly covers the system-wide view and does not include implementation details. For example, the real-time audio sample buffer - how big should it be?

These types of things are loosely defined in the code instead (with comments and reasoning) instead and within src/ - this document gives a more practical view on how sansan is organized, what files do what, where things are, why things do x instead of y, etc.

Audio Dependencies

This table summarizes the audio-specific libraries used by sansan and their purpose.

audio_thread_priority0.27.1MozillaReal-time audio thread promotion
cubeb0.10.3MozillaAudio device input/output
souvlaki0.6.1Sinono3OS media control interface
symphonia0.5.3PdeljanovAudio demuxing/decoding/metadata
rubato0.14.1HEnquistAudio resampling

Supported Targets

Only 64-bit targets (x86_64, ARM64, etc) are supported.

32-bit targets may work but are not tested on.

  • Windows (WASAPI)
  • macOS (CoreAudio)
  • Linux (PulseAudio)

Supported Audio

sansan uses symphonia for audio decoding & metadata.

The supported audio codecs are:

  • AAC-LC
  • ALAC
  • FLAC
  • MP1/MP2/MP3
  • Vorbis
  • Opus
  • WavPack

The supported audio metadata formats are:

  • ID3v1
  • ID3v2
  • ISO/MP4
  • RIFF
  • Vorbis comment (FLAC & OGG)


The Minimum Supported Rust Version is 1.70.0.


sansan is licensed under the MIT License.

As of v0.0.0, sansan's dependency tree includes the following licenses:

  • Apache-2.0
  • BSD-2-Clause
  • BSD-3-Clause
  • ISC
  • MIT
  • MPL-2.0
  • Unicode-DFS-2016